Saturday, March 19, 2011

Midnight in the Garden of a Welshrunner

The garden after I laid soaker hoses

Not wanting to get all Alan Titchmarsh, but I was so excited this week when some of the seeds from my new garden started sprouting.  The first heroes were the radishes, and I freely admit to doing a jig of joy when I spotted them poking their little heads through the soil.  I've had this ongoing fear that nothing was going to grow, but in the last few days quite a few other specimens have come through as well.

As you can see from the picture above, I've divided each bed into squares and threaded a soaker hose through it.  And me being me, I have a spreadsheet with a diagram of each bed detailing what I've planted where, what I'm planning to plant (and on what date), and when I would expect to harvest and rotate each square.  I am staggering several crops as I don't want to be suddenly overwhelmed by more corn that I could shake a stick at, and I am starting some plants indoors, to be transplanted into the garden at a later date.

More from the Welsh farmer next week.  In the meantime, here are some of the beauties that have started coming through.

Children of the corn?

The radishes and red onions are doing really well

The beginnings of a zucchini bush

Indoors, my Roma tomatoes and bell peppers are thriving

As are my Big Boy tomatoes.  The parsley has just started coming through too.

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